Monday, January 28, 2008

What a journey

I just finished the book and I loved but I don't know about you guys but I kind of feel some new spirituality or thinking, I don't even know how to explain it. It is definitely a one of a kind book. I would really like to know about her and Felipe. And yes Brianne I tried to not think about the little secret you let out at the meeting about them. :-) I really wish that I could either pack up things right now and go travel and feel a cleansing so to speak after this past weekend. Or just hope that in the future I will be able to do something similar to her journey but in my own terms. Can't wait till the next meeting. Do we think we should start doing wine tasting or someone just recommends a wine, what do we think? 


The Next Book

I definitely feel the pressure of having to choose the next book but I think I have a book selected, "The Middle Place". According to the reviews on Barnes & Noble it's supposed to be a good book. It doesn't look like it's available in paperback only hardcover so it's about $15.


Sunday, January 27, 2008


Hi girls,
I had a great time at the last meeting. I hope our group keeps growing! I finished the book this weekend and I have to say it didn't disappoint. I think its now officially one of my favorites. Jenn you have a lot of pressure in picking out the next one...hehe just kiddin'. It was such a unique book I have a feeling we won't find anything else quite like it.
Can't wait till the next meeting! Suggestions?
:) Brianne

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Lovin It

Sorry to hear your week didn't get any better, but glad you like the book! This is a good book for me to read right now because I have been struggling with the issue of religion/faith/spirituality lately, basically that is one topic I am completely unsure of and have never really had in my life so needless to say I am also enjoying the book. I love that the author writes in a conversational style, it keeps it funny and witty (and also reminds me of things I would say or think!). I am just envious that she got to go on this year long adventure. I agree that this is a great book for any woman to read and for anybody who loves to travel. I love the idea of Book/Wine Club...great idea Brianne!! The 23rd works for me and did we decide on a meeting place??


Saturday, January 12, 2008


So, as I mentioned at our meeting, I haven't had that great of a week. Work is horrible and I am thinking I need to make some big decisions here shortly. That is why "Eat, Pray, Love" is so perfect for me to be reading right now. And actually as I'm thinking, any woman at any stage of her life could totally benefit from this book. Good call Megan....this book was a great first choice.

The Blog

Hey ladies! Well, I finally got around to creating the blog. I think its going to be a great way for us to talk about our books and of course talk shit. I'm so excited that we got this thing up and running. I had a great time at our first meeting and so far I love the book.
We need to take some pics at the next meeting so we can make our page look official. Are we all agreed that we will meet Wednesday the 23rd. Lemme know.
Oh and since we all decided on our awesome name and that we all love wine too I think we should make this just as much a wine club as a book club. I was thinking maybe after we finish x amount of books we can take a trip to a winery for the day or something. What do you think?
Talk to you soon!